Email addresses everywhere!

I think I have five email addresses. I think. I have the tendency to create new email addresses and then forget about them. 

The breakdown:

I have two Gmail addresses. One is my main email address that I give out to friends, family, other professionals, daily news updates, and Borders which I check every day. Things get a little crowded, but I really like to have everything in one. The other gmail address is the one I created for this class, which is quickly becoming the email I use to sign up for things that I care about, but not enough to have to know about them immediately (so far, just my misguided attempt to register for Stock Exchange to get a photo for Design class, only to discover that you have to pay for them. That ain’t happening). 

I also have my trusty Odin account. I check this one every day just in case something happens at Ooligan that I should know about. This is the email that all Ooligan stuff goes to. Also, for some reason, it is the account that I used to sign up for Good Reads, so I get those update emails there. 

Then I have a dusty AOL account that I have had since I was in middle school. Back then that was pretty much the only option. All of my friends had AOL accounts because you had to have one in order to Instant Message people. And if you couldn’t IM your friends, you were way out of the gossip loop. This is the email I put down when I just want to buy something or get some information and never ever want to hear from those people again. It is my graveyard. I don’t think I have checked it in a couple of years…

Lastly, I think I have a Yahoo account. I had to sign up for it when Ooligan was using Yahoo groups to get updates about workgroups.

They all have their uses. Before long, I will probably have six or seven more. Since they are free and easy to create I find myself thinking: Why not?


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2 responses to “Email addresses everywhere!

  1. You’re the only person I know who refers to their PSU email account as ‘trusty.’

  2. Really? I have never had that serious of a problem with it. It doesn’t have a whole lot of bells and whistles, but it gets the job done. I don’t really ask much of it either. Maybe that is why it hasn’t failed me.

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